Upcoming Events


Sunday 12 Jan, 19 Jan, 26 Jan

Want to know more about Christianity? Have burning questions about what Christians believe? Join us the next few Sundays to explore the key beliefs that form the basis of Christianity.

CHRISTIANITY EXPLORED will run 3:30 PM @ Bateau Bay Baptist Church, 8 Yakalla St.

If you can’t join us at Christianity Explored, we’d love to see you at our Church service at 10AM each Sunday, or at 4:30PM on the 1st Sunday of the month for Youth Truth.

Next: Sunday 16th February, 4:30pm


Youth spreading God’s truth to others through His Word.

Afternoon church on the first and third Sunday of each month, run by youth and others, for anyone! Our time together includes music, prayer and discussion around the Bible, and ends with supper around 5:45pm.

 Our aim is to bring God’s truth to the Central Coast through a service with a relaxed and comfortable feel.

8 Yakalla Street, Bateau Bay

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